
Gift Cards, Digital Gift & Loyalty Cards

Gift Cards | Digital Gifting | Loyalty Programs

Gift Cards Program

Gift Cards are an effective way to enhance your brand and drive in store and online sales. Not only do gift cards generate revenue at the time of purchase, studies have shown that customers tend to spend nearly 20% more than the value of the gift card during redemption, thereby further increasing sales. Compared to a paper gift card, plastic gift cards can be prominently showcased at the point of sale to capitalize on last-minute gifts or spontaneous purchases.

Whether it’s a standard or custom design, gift cards are a great way to brand your business, and keep customers coming back, driving repeat businesses. Our gift card program offers both standard and custom design packages, as well as the option for customers to check their balance online, or even reload their card.

Advantages of Implementing a Gift Card Program

Leveraging a gift card program offers numerous benefits for both customers and merchants, including:

They make great gifts and drive holiday sales

Customers love to utilize gift cards for holidays and other special occasions, like birthday, anniversaries, graduations, and more.

They boost revenue

Customers prepay for services / goods, which increases short term revenue.

They occasionally go unredeemed

Approximately 15% of gift cards remain unredeemed, resulting in additional profit for the merchant.

They enhance brand visibility

Gift cards allow merchants to further brand awareness within their community to reach a wider audience. They make greats gifts for local fundraisers, customer appreciation, and more.

They reduce risk

Security features embedded in gift cards reduce the risk of fraud and duplicate usage, ensuring a safe transaction environment.

They are an alternative to cash refunds

Instead of cashback refunds, merchants can issue gift cards, providing customers with flexibility and encouraging future purchases.

They are trackable

Both merchants and customers gain access to real-time online reporting, facilitating transparency and accountability. Merchants can easily track outstanding balances and monitor transaction activities, aiding in financial management.

By implementing a gift card program, both merchants and customers stand to gain various advantages, ranging from increased revenue to enhanced convenience and security.

Loyalty Programs

Build brand loyalty and strengthen brand-customer relationships by forming a customer loyalty program. There are a variety of options for rewards, from points to be issued as store credit, to cash back options.

Customer loyalty programs increase customer buying frequency and improve customer retention. 80% of customers report returning more frequently to businesses that offer a loyalty program. And, loyal, regular customers spend 67% more than new customers.  For most businesses, starting a loyalty program can be a great way to promote your brand and generate additional revenue.